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Copyright & Licensing

We hold in high regard the relationships that empower us to share the art of cooking with fresh herbs. The following sections detail our policies concerning the personal information you provide when making a purchase from our online store and the data we collect during your visits to our website, as we strive to create an herbaceous and enriching culinary experience for you.

Information We Collect:
We collect basic user information (e.g., name, email) and may use cookies for a better user experience.

E-Commerce Transactions:
When you make a purchase all customer and payment details are collected through Woo Commerce software/platform only. Review Woo’s Privacy Policy.

How We Use Your Information:
Your data helps us personalize content, improve our services, and communicate with you.

Data Security:
We employ industry-standard measures to protect your information and ensure its confidentiality.

Third-Party Plugins:
We utilize third-party plugins on our website to enhance its functionality and provide you with an enriched experience. These plugins may collect certain data to optimize their performance.

Third-Party Disclosure:
We do not sell or share your personal information with third parties unless required by law.

Your Choices:
You can opt-out of certain data collection and request data deletion by contacting us or clicking on the pop ups provided on all our sites.

Updates to Our Policy:
We may update this policy; please check for changes periodically.

Contact Us:
For questions or concerns, contact us at info@Herbal-Roots.com

By using our website, you agree to this policy. Thank you for trusting us with your information.

Privacy Update: 2/15/23

Copyright & Licensing | Herbal Roots
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