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Fire, Fury & Flowers
(The Collection)


The summer herbal salt collection is a fiery manifestation of intense transformation and plain old anger. The collection emerged tumultuously in the midst of an incredibly early heat wave (and lots of familial turmoil). The scorching heat on the summer herb garden gave way to vegetal struggle resulting in not only early and abundant flowers but much more intense potent flavors. The musky notes of bergamot and lavender were more pungent. The earthy resin-esque flavors of rosemary and thyme were more flamboyant. Petals of all kinds more intense and durable. Basils stronger than ever, thymes with many more flowers. All of this intensity morphed into the herb salts encircled by hot Mexican chilies- each element symbolizing a specific strength and endurance of a final flavor. Each with its own lingering, yet delightful intensity. Floral as resilience. Heat as drive. The interplay found in this collection, including a special free promotional Ataulfo Mango Margarita salt as part of a Crespo Organic Mango promotional collaboration, is what happens when force and energy find growth.

More Seasonal Herb Salts

Fire, Fury & Flowers (The Collection) | Herbal Roots
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