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Green Garlic Parsley Salt


Fresh Herbs: Parsley, Bloody Dock, Chives, Germander, Lemon Thyme, Japanese Mint Produce: Green Garlic, Egyptian Onions, Baby Chard Leaves, Wild Chicory, Wild Onions, Radish Leaves Spices: Purple Striped Garlic Powder, Sumac, White Peppercorns Citrus Zest: Lemon Zest Other: Maldon Salt

Recipe/Usage Suggestion:

Green Garlic Goddess Dressing

Vibrant, loud and as simple as bold can be. This herb salt emerges as strong and robust, with wild, bitter accent notes from chicory, wild thyme, and germander perfectly balanced by fresh, grassy parsley. Robust green garlic takes center stage, while radish leaves and wild onions exaggerate potency. The nuanced garlic-forward flavor is delivered with the freshest, most herbaceous undertones, creating a pleasant herb salt with notable spring chutzpah. This is this season’s egg salt along with your new favorite spring meat salt.

Green Garlic Parsley Salt | Herbal Roots
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